Monday, May 12, 2008

Fill in the _____

Welcome, and hello, for those of you that don't know, I'm mike, and i just graduated from college! yay!

Yeah, now that the introduction is out of the way, we can get serious. I'm starting this blog for a bunch of reasons, but the most important is so i can communicate with my friends. For some odd reason I feel that there are people out there (my friends) that do actually care about what i do with my life, and i believe in the "one to many" method of communication as opposed to the "many to many" method, thus my blog!

With this little blog i'll talk a lot about what it's like to be a recent college graduate in a terrible job market with an economy that requires us to pay four dollars for a gallon of terrible smelling piss water that runs our automobiles thus running our lives. I'll also post short stories, pictures, and whatever else i feel...

If you like what you see, come in, take your shoes off and have a seat!

1 comment:

Nick said...

welcome to the blogosphere.

i'll see you in hell.

